Single- and Multi-Station Low-Frequency Audible Signaling




The 2010 edition of NFPA 72® National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code® introduced the requirement for a new low-frequency public mode audible alarm signaling in sleeping areas. 这种新的低频信号要求火灾报警通知设备产生基频为520 Hz +/- 10%的方波或提供一些等效的唤醒能力. 这一要求是基于一项研究提出的,该研究表明,与标准火警声音通知装置的典型3000+ Hz声音警报信号相比,低频信号为听力损失的人和酒精受损的成年人提供了更好的唤醒能力. 在同一版本的NFPA 72®中也引入了类似的要求,用于单站和多站烟雾报警器, 然而, it only applied to dwelling units designed for persons with mild to severe hearing loss.

As a result of this requirement, 火灾报警器制造商为系统探测器和低频探测器开发了基于低频音调的通知和音响 .wav files for systems with one-way digital voice communication. 然而, since this requirement was introduced in the 2010 edition of NFPA72®, 由于后备电池的设计存在困难,而且只有“听力损失者的卧室和客房”需要符合要求,因此没有开发出所列的120VAC产生低频警报的烟雾报警器.

最近, 2021年版的《彩宝网》(IBC)对R-1组(酒店和汽车旅馆等临时入住)和R-2组(公寓和公寓等永久入住)的卧室中的单站和多站烟雾报警器激活的声音报警器提出了新的要求,这些房间需要根据IBC第9章配备火灾报警系统,以产生低频(520 Hz)报警信号. 代码部分进一步说明,当卧室烟雾报警器无法产生低频信号时, 应提供列明的低频报警装置或具有整体520 Hz测深器的系统感烟探测器. Per the expert commentary of the 2021 IBC, 这一要求的原因是,最近的研究得出结论,在唤醒65岁以上的人时,低频警报器比标准的3000+ Hz警报器有效6倍, people who are hard of hearing, 学龄儿童, and alcohol-impaired persons.

Because there are currently no listed 120VAC smoke alarms that produce a low-frequency alarm, 这对按照IBC建造的建筑物中的单站和多站烟雾报警器装置提出了挑战. Until a low-frequency smoke alarm is developed, 根据这一要求,必须使用下列方法之一的建筑物火灾报警系统:

System Smoke Detectors with Low-Frequency Sounder Bases

In lieu of 120VAC smoke alarms, system smoke detection connected to the fire alarm system with integral low-frequency sounders can be provided. 目前,所有主要的火灾报警器制造商都提供低频探测仪底座,可以配备可寻址烟雾探测. 在这种设计下, 探测仪底座可用于住宅单元烟雾探测器的通知,也可用于具有基于音调(非语音)的火灾报警系统的建筑物的公共模式通知. 这种设计通常用于酒店/汽车旅馆和宿舍,在这些地方,建筑物管理或机构维护探测器,并希望了解给定单元中的探测器激活情况.

System Smoke Detectors with Addressable Notification

Another solution is to leverage a fire alarm system with addressable notification (i.e., the ability to actuate individual or select groups of appliances on a given circuit). 在这个选项下, 系统烟雾探测器将在没有音响基座的情况下提供,单元中将提供独立的可寻址的低频音调或语音通知设备,这些设备将被编程为启动住宅单元探测器或建筑物火灾警报.

System Smoke Detectors with Dedicated Notification Appliance Circuits

最后一种选择是为每个单元提供无探测仪的系统烟雾探测,或者为每个单元提供专用通知设备电路,或者为每个住宅单元提供专用通知设备电路的可寻址控制模块. 单位内部, low-frequency toned-based notification appliances or voice-based notification appliances with a low-frequency .wav file would be provided. 每个单元的控制模块将被编程为在给定单元的建筑物火灾警报或探测激活时启动.

With the last two options, 可提供带有3000+ Hz声音信号的标准120VAC烟雾报警器,以代替系统检测,并由建筑火灾报警系统通过可寻址监控模块进行监督. 缺点是烟雾报警器的激活将导致同时激活集成高频报警器和连接到建筑物火灾报警系统的声音通知设备.

All of the above options assume an addressable fire alarm system. 与建筑物的火灾报警系统的集成导致了各种缺点,例如每当探测器在单元中激活时都会通知建筑物所有者. While the detector’s activation can be treated as a Supervisory condition as opposed to a Fire Alarm condition, they are still notified regardless. This also exposes the floor’s signaling line circuit to tampering or troubles (e.g., tenants removing detectors from their bases or attempting to disconnect them from the wiring).

Until listed 120VAC smoke alarms with integral low-frequency signals are developed, 2021年IBC对单站和多站烟雾报警器启动的声音警报的新要求将需要建筑物的火灾报警系统的参与. While this requirement will result in a design that will provide a superior waking ability to the occupants, it will drastically change the way fire alarm systems are designed for non-transient occupancies.

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